
18 юли 2010


When you came into my life it hurt. It's going to hurt when you walk out... The passages in life are always different from what we imagine or want them to be. People constantly walk in and out of our lives. Some we fall in love with and get attached to. Others are not that important. Either way in the end we are alone. Life is a lonely journey with many rocks along the way. Half the time we don't know where its passages are taking us. But there is a reason for all of life's turbulences. We are here to learn. Each new lesson is handed out in strange format. Sometimes we are not even aware we are being taught a lesson. So much wisdom is out there for us to grasp- a whole universe of knowledge and cosmic love, and the funny part is it often comes in simple forms. The signs are there- we just need to keep our senses open and embrace what we are being given. Not all lessons are pleasant to understand. In order to grasp a given fact we often need to be shaken out of our comfortable existence and flung around like a tornado-struck tree, get uprooted and torn apart- hopefully then we'll realize we're on the wrong track. It is difficult to spend a lifetime with someone you've accidentally run into along one of them passages. We expect so much from the person next to us, we tend to forget he is not our alter-ego; he cannot be all in one and all the time our child, spouse, best friend, lover, parent- for the next fifty years or so! Such a lot of misunderstandings occur, to say the least, when we stand there waiting for this magical person to make us endlessly happy. As if he could! Perhaps it would be easier all round and much fairer to the person we share our life with if we just accepted him for who he is and stop with our futile efforts to change him into what we think is best for us. After all we do love him, don't we? The rest is just a selfish attempt to satisfy our own ego, regardless of our partner's feelings. It is possible we have not found the right person for us. Maybe that will never happen. Or maybe it already has and we let him walk away....Loneliness is not a sin. It is an opportunity to come to terms with our inner self and figure out who we are, where we came from and where we are heading to. Relationships are a two-way road. You need to give, not only take and expect. Learn to respect the one you share your life with, make it a journey worth remembering... Otherwise there is always the danger of ending up in a painful labyrinth of unspoken thoughts, hurt feelings and swallowed tears. And that is a passage definetely not worth taking....In the name of life, the greatest gift of all.

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